- To be an influential voice in Africa for the promotion of skills development for wealth creation.
To provide a dynamic forum for:
- gathering, testing and sharing of innovative ideas in technical and vocational education and training through conferences, workshops and publications;
- promotion of partnerships and capacity building initiatives; and
- policy analysis and advocacy in favour of skills development for wealth creation.
Aims and objectives of ATUPA
The aims and objectives of the Association are:
- To stimulate exchanges of experience and ideas by providing a forum for discussion of matters of common interest and arranging meetings, conferences and seminars.
- To study and help improve the content and methods of teaching in polytechnics and comparable institutions and in particular the associated curricula and also to help improve the organization and management of such institutions.
- To disseminate information and publications about matters of interest to member institutions, about the member institutions themselves and about education in particular subject areas.
- To facilitate the movement of students and trainees between member institutions and between countries, especially for courses not available in their own countries, as well as help to administer a programme of fellowships and exchange of students and staff.
- To study, in co-operation with governments and industry, the problems and needs associated with national development and with the transfer and development of technology.
- To facilitate collaboration in any other ways agreed by member institutions to advance their common educational interests.