Some of the Members of WITED, Nigeria ChapterWomen in Technical Education and Development (WITED) is a pioneer project of Commonwealth Association of Polytechnics in Africa (CAPA) in 1988.
- Focused on identifying factors that impeded women's participation in technical education, training, and employment.
- CAPA undertook a research survey in 1989 using a selected sample of twenty CAPA institutions in nine countries from Africa
- The results of the survey revealed that the existing technical education favored men and not women.
- Need for a vibrant advocacy for the enhancement of women's technical knowledge participation at all levels - WITED campaign.
- Received support from various development partners such as the International Labour Organization (ILO) and Commonwealth of Learning (CoL)
- CAPA undertook the WITED 2nd Phase of practical implementation with adopted discussion forums, training and development of WITED chapters to advance WITED objectives in many countries in Africa.
Some of the Members of WITED, Kenya Chapter
In 2019, the CAPA Secretariat started the revitalization of WITED in Africa. Going forward the Association is determined to not only revitalize the WITED but also achieve the following:
- Development of strategies that enhance the participation of women in Technical Education at all levels for economic empowerment.
- Undertake research and publication on female participation in technical education and training
- Raise awareness of gender issues at member institutional level through conferences, workshops and training forums.
- Reinforcement and implementation of equal opportunities by an institutional support system, community life, and governmental measures and programs that address social and human equality. Development of partnerships, collaborations and linkages with WITED country Chapters in Africa, development partners such as African Union Commission HRST, Commonwealth of Learning, International Labor Organization, Gender and Equality bodies and Education Ministries.
- Implementation of the structure and policy framework in place, and advocate for redesigning and women participation in all TVET programmes.
- Do everything possible in the powers of the Association to achieve the mandate of the Association and WITED programme.