The key objectives of the conference are to:
- Highlight the role of sustainable TVET models in building the resilience of African economies
- Generate consensus on the efficacy of harmonized TVET concepts in enhancing the employment outcomes of TVET graduates at regional and continental levels
- Identify new knowledge streams on how digitization, diversity, and inclusion can be leveraged in building transnational and trans-institutional TVET linkages
- Promote shared understanding on how the optimization of STEM competencies in TVET can spur entrepreneurial learning and work ready skills among TVET graduates
- Build an active, multi-national, TVET research clusters and strategic interest group (SIGs) among ATUPA member institutions
To ensure a very successful outcome of the conference, an organizing committee is constituted, comprised of members of the Associations’ Secretariat and some key partners. The conference is organized to include:
- The main conference featuring keynote addresses, panel discussions and research paper presentations on the conference theme and other cross-cutting issues
- The Fifth Pan-African Youth Forum for TVET Students, hosted in partnership with StartUpAfrica
- Finals for the Pitch-Africa 2023 Talent & Innovation Competition and Awards for TVET Students
- A forum of the women in technical education and training and development (WITED)
- The 2nd China-Africa TVET Cooperation Conference (CATCC)
- The General Assembly of heads of ATUPA member institutions.