Dates : Aug. 29 – Sept. 2, 2022 | Venue: Elephant Hills Resort – Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe
StartUpAfrica-ATUPA Innovations Olympiads for TVET Students
Registration of entries for the StartUpAfrica-ATUPA Innovations Olympiads for TVET Students on the theme "Innovating Solutions for the 21st Century" is still open BUT will close on June 25, 2022.
The finals and awards for this competition shall take place at the Africa TVET Youth Forum, a side event of the ATUPA Annual International Conference taking place at Elephant Hills Resort - Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe on August 29 - September 2, 2022.
Register for the Competition at the Link
I. Background
The Association of Technical Universities and Polytechnics in Africa (ATUPA), was born out of a resolution of the General Assembly of Heads of Member Institutions of the Commonwealth Association of Technical Universities and Polytechnics in Africa (CAPA) taken on 29th of August 2019 in Kigali, Rwanda. This decision was ratified by the Ministers of Education from AU member states at the Third Ordinary Session of the Specialized Committee on Education, Science and Technology (STC – EST III) on December 13, 2019 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The African Union’s STC – EST III resolved to “TAKE NOTE of the rebranding of the CAPA to the Association of Technical Universities and Polytechnics in Africa (ATUPA), and to encourage Technical Universities and Polytechnics in their countries to join this continental Association”. The mandate of the pan-African Association is to support professional and skill development amongst its membership mostly drawn from TVET institutions in Africa. In order to stimulate exchanges of experience and ideas, the Association regularly organizes and provides forums for discussion of matters of common interests amongst members and the TVET stakeholders. At the General Assembly of Heads of Member Institutions held virtually on the 31st of August 2021, the members unanimously granted the Republic of Zimbabwe the hosting rights for the 2022 annual conference. Since August 2018, the Association resolved to be holding TVET youth forums on the side-lines of each of the annual international conferences. Following this tradition the Association plans to bring together TVET student representatives from across Africa, in the Fourth Pan-African Youth Forum for TVET Students on August 29 – 2 September, 2022 at Elephant Hills Resort, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. The theme of the forum shall be “Work Based Learning (WBL) and the Transition to Decent Work in the New Era of African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)”. The youth leaders shall get an opportunity for moderated exchange ideas on challenges and opportunities in Work Based Learning as part of their TVET programmes in preparing them for the world of work, especially in the Covid-19 pandemic period and beyond. A well selected number of speakers shall be invited to address the youth of Africa on the theme. Participants shall majorly come from TVET colleges, technical training institutes, colleges of technology, polytechnics and universities of technology in Africa.
II. Rationale
Work-based learning is a subset of experience-based learning. However within the somewhat narrower confines of vocational education and training, work based learning refers to learning that occurs through undertaking real work, through the production of real goods and services, whether this work is paid or unpaid. It should be clearly distinguished from learning that takes place in enterprise-based training workshops and training classrooms. The latter, which can be referred to as enterprise-based training, is not work-based learning, but simply classroom-based learning that takes place in an enterprise rather than in an educational institution. Work-based learning is used in vocational education and training to develop basic work habits, occupational identity, and specific occupational competences. However because of its attractiveness as a powerful form of learning, it can also be used for a wider range of educational purposes. Work based learning is sometimes used as a way to motivate disadvantaged, disengaged and failing students by giving them the opportunity to experience success through applied learning in practical settings, and the opportunity to come in contact with adult mentors and role models. Workplace-based learning is a supply-side approach to youth employment that includes practical or on-the-job training that is usually provided through an apprenticeship, internship, work placement or other practical training component of a vocational education or training programme. For the workplace-based learning approach to be effective, it requires collaboration among those who provide skills training and those who employ skilled workers. Linkages between training providers and the private sector must be established or strengthened, and better coordinated so that there can be some alignment between the demand for and supply of skills. The African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) brings new ways of doing business and trading within Africa. If implemented well, this undoubtedly will lead to the creation as well as expanding economic prospects, including better integration into value chains thus creating an environment for new job opportunities and fresh entrepreneurship opportunities for the African youth. This is the reason ATUPA chose the theme “Work Based Learning (WBL) and the Transition to Decent Work in the New Era of African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).
III. Objective for the Forum
The Fourth Pan-African Youth Forum for TVET Students aims to provide a continental platform for youth representatives in TVET institutions from Africa to gain exposure as it turns out that for many of them it is their first time at such an international gathering and the first time they travel out of their respective countries. Participation shall also build their leadership and social skills, and capacity to contribute to the African society. The forum shall be held in partnership with the African Union Commission and Start-Up-Africa with the aim to:
IV. Methodology
The forum will be participatory to create awareness, stimulate creativity, and increase the appeal of vocational training as a pathway to decent work. Activities will include keynotes and panel discussions. Moderators and speakers will give various perspectives on work based learning. Sessions will also encourage participants to share viewpoints on their experiences in securing opportunities for work based learning while interaction with speakers and with each other.
V. Highlights of the Youth Forum
The Fourth Pan-African Youth Forum for TVET Students is organized as part of the August 2022 ATUPA International Conference. The Conference is organized to include:
V. Target Participants
Two or more participants of mixed gender from each TVET institution drawn from the student’s guilds and student’s council leaders will be welcome to join the Fourth Pan–African Forum Youth in TVETs. Organizers will also accept and encourage participation from civil organizations working with the youth and women and staff of government ministries engaged with matters youth and TVET community of practice. When making nominating participants, preference should be given to individuals who have demonstrated strong leadership characteristics and passion while in school or their communities. Youth from a cross-section of different programmes / career fields such as engineering, building and construction, applied sciences, the arts, media, medical sciences, hospitality etc. will be expected in the forum.
VI. Expected Outcomes
The Youth Forum expects to have such outcomes as:
For more information: Please visit the website: or contact The Secretary General, ATUPA, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Tel.: +254-20-3343672; Cell phone: +254-757 202 978
For any enquiries or to confirm your attendance, kindly email ATUPA Secretariat through, or call the Secretariat on +254 757202978
Important Travel Update - August 2022 ATUPA Annual International Conference
We are happy to announce that ATUPA has negotiated special 12% discount with Ethiopian Airlines for the delegates attending the conference in Victoria Falls. To enjoy this discount, please use the promo code ATU22 during the flight booking process.
Please note the conference is in Zimbabwe's city of Victoria Falls and not Harare. Delegates who have already booked flights to Harare will need to make arrangement for connecting flight to Victoria Falls.
For assistance in using the promotion code or any inquiries, please contact ATUPA secretariat on or Call/WhatsApp: +254 757 202 978
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